Pink Halite

Posted by Blanca Valdes on

Pink Halite, is a stone of clarity, peace, and self-love

  • Its presence can dissolve foggy thinking, confusion, deception and doubt.
  • has a peaceful, calming effect on the emotional body.
  • a wonderful healer and is a mineral of purification
  • can cleanse the aura, deflect negativity, balance the emotions and is especially helpful for those who suffer from mood swings
  • can cleanse the atmosphere of indoor pollutants and harmful electromagnetic emissions
  • It can cleanse the heart of emotional wounds and can assist with taking a positive action towards self-love
  • harmonizes the Heart and Solar Plexus Chakras, making it a wonderful stone to promote self-love

Halite is a beautiful type of salt that naturally grows in sacred geometrical formations. Be sure to keep indoors in a dry area. Do not get wet or it will dissolve.

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